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//Razor Cutting with Taylor Jameson, The Razor Queen

This training event for professional stylists headlining Ms. Taylor Jameson teaches contemporary hair cutting techniques as an alternative to styling with shears. The class offers stylists the confidence to utilize the razor throughout the entire cut to create flowing movement and volume. Texture takes on a whole new look with one of the most creative and versatile precision methods for cutting contemporary styles. Artistic Director, Taylor Jameson, is an expert at utilizing the razor in her work which has earned her the nickname “The Razor Queen.” Ms. Jameson began her career in Scotland and has trained with renowned industry masters. Taylor says, “Once you go “totally” razor you may never want to go back to traditional scissors.” Taylor’s unique Classic Bohemian effect inspires stylists creatively and professionally. Tondeo Traders is pleased to sponsor Tips From Taylor. For a sneak peak of the presentation, visit our YouTube Channel. To schedule a training event in your area, call (847) 763 9000.


//All About Scissors

Learn all about professional shears. Gain valuable information you need to know when selecting quality scissors. With an overview of the types of shears, become an expert on how to properly maintain them. To schedule a training event in your area, call (847) 763 9000 or email